Yoni Steaming

Yoni Steaming

And up

Yoni steaming is a soothing herb-infused steam for your vagina. This aged remedy has been said to have many benefits for the mind, body and soul. Depression, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, menstrual cramps, irregular periods, infertility, dryness, odor, yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, discomfort from ovarian cysts, hemorrhoids, low sex drive, anxiety and menopause are a bare minimum amount of claimed benefits that V-steaming is used for. This can be done at Beauty In A Box as a date (yes, men can steam too), a girl's spa day with a friend or simply solo. To prepare for your Yoni steaming treatment, it is important to arrive without any vaginal piercings. Avoid sexual activity for 24 hours prior to arrival and eating for 1 hour prior to arrival. This treatment is not for pregnant women, if you have any outbreaks or open cuts, if you are on your cycle or while you are ovulating (only if you are trying to conceive). 

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